November 1-30, 2014
Let’s join in support, accountability, and getting your novels done during Nanowrimo!
For November we will gather in the Fellowship of the Pen to write your novel.
Goal: Write your novel in November!
You will have:
- A safe space to write your novel, in community with authors like you
- Small and intimate group support
- Help with the sagging middle
- Accountability to sit down and write daily
- Tips and techniques on how to make room in your life to write daily (or nearly daily)
- Brainstorming opportunities with your cohorts when you’re stuck
- Support with re-assigning the critical, editorial, judging (left-brain mind)
- Cheerleaders for what you’re creating from your peers and knowledgeable mentors, Beth & Ezra Barany, and coaching assistant, Carol Malone
- Practice sharing in a safe place; you only need to share what you feel comfortable sharing
- Feedback from peers (optional and peer-generated)
Who This Course is For
— This course is for writers who will be doing Nanowrimo, but want the added support of experienced teachers and mentors, who are also novelists: Ezra Barany and I, Beth Barany. Yep, we’re married, and actually met at a fiction writing group 16 years ago.
— If you’re dedicated to the idea of writing your book but are overwhelmed by all the emails Nanowrimo sends, and want intimate group support.
— This is your first novel and you’re not sure what you’re doing, but you’re determined to see this experiment through.
— You’ve done Nano several times and never finished, and this time you really want to finish and feel great about it.
— You’ve done Nano and felt totally lost by the time you got to the middle of your book.
We’re here to help you!
What People Have Said About Working with Us
“I want to thank Beth Barany and Ezra Barany for taking the time … Their encouragement helped to get me on the stick and get ready to write my novel. –Carol Malone w/a Jill Tunny, Ladies Night, a Fight-Card Romance
“Beth & Ezra are super accessible… & they have great ideas for guiding an author’s success. It’s been fun to virtually meet other creative writers as well. The support is fabulous … a real community.” — Tricia Riel, author of the Zephrum Gates series
“Just wanted to say thank-you to Beth and Ezra – I have really enjoyed your course. … I especially enjoyed the daily tasks, which allowed me to take time and really delve into my characters’ motivations and conflicts.” — Triana Willard, author of Autumn Magic
Two Options
1. Fellowship of Pen, All In:
Your investment: $149
Specifics on what you’ll get:
- Private Facebook group for November (or, Twitter #30DAYWC) to continue the support, accountability, and tailored guidance.
- Two live Teaching/Coaching calls: “Sagging Middle calls” Dates: Nov. 12th and 19th 5pm PACIFIC (calls only; no webinar) for spot checks, motivation, writing tips during your busy life, and cheers on every step you take.
- Special Bonus: All the Preparing Your Novel for Nanowrimo lessons: 4 lessons , handouts, bonus videos and teaching calls and webinars on character development, world building, plot structure and scene building from experienced teachers and authors, Beth & Ezra Barany. (Valued at $99) Here’s the list of curriculum:
- Week 1: Elevator Pitch & Short Synopsis
- Week 2: Get to Know Your Main Characters
- Week 3: Story Plot & World Building
- Week 4: Scene-by-Scene Outline & Plotting
- Special Bonus: A one-on-one private 30-minute coaching call with Beth Barany to focus on shaping your story or questions about overcoming inner blocks, or both (Schedule your call with Beth as soon as possible. You need to take advantage of actually having the call before December 12th.)
- Normally, Beth’s coaching calls are billed at $200 per hour, but she’s offering a deal here to those who are committed to the challenge of writing their novels during November.
Full-Pay for Option 1 here — 1 payment of $149:
[do action=”buy-now” code=”HHYATY3PCWKYS”][/do]
** Deadline extended: Sign up by November 5th, 9pm Pacific and get Beth Barany’s ebook, Overcome Writer’s Block. **
next option
2. Premium ALL-IN Fellowship of the Pen:
Your investment: $199
Specifics on what you’ll get:
All of the above from Option #1, plus:
- Special Bonus: Two one-on-one private 30-minute coaching calls with Beth Barany to focus on shaping your story or questions about overcoming inner blocks, or both. (Schedule your call with Beth as soon as possible. You need to take advantage of actually having the call before December 12th.)
- Normally, Beth’s coaching calls are billed at $200 per hour, but she’s offering a deal here to those who are committed to the challenge of writing their novels during November.
- BONUS for the PREMIUM: Written Document Review to help you get clear on the book you wrote or are writing and get ready for your next steps. Beth will give you a three to five paragraph review. Send her your novel’s:
- Elevator pitch
- Scene-by-Scene Outline or Plot Outline
- One to three page Story Synopsis
- Normally, Beth’s coaching calls are billed at $200 per hour, but she’s offering a deal here to those who are committed to the challenge of writing their novels during November.
Full-Pay for Option #2 here — 1 payment of $199:
[do action=”buy-now” code=”979F8YV5JRMF4″][/do]
Or you can do an Installment Plan for Option #2 here — 2 payments of $110, 2 weeks apart:
[do action=”buy-now” code=”53XBFT8KKNY34″][/do]
Deadline extended: Sign up by Nov. 5th, 9pm Pacific and get Beth Barany’s ebook, Overcome Writer’s Block. **
About the Instructors
Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.
Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, story telling, and guiding authors to achieve your dreams.
Together we have written and published 18 books, plus 3 audio books. Together and separately, we have taught thousands of students over the years, in both the public and private sector, including overseas in Paris, France. We both teach (and Beth’s case, coach) and working on writing and publishing our novels.
Why work with Beth and Ezra:
- Beth has written and published 4 novellas in the last year, plus a novel and short story.
- Beth has used this process successfully in each of her novellas.
- Beth has taught all these tools with authors and have seen how effective these tools are.
- Ezra has written 4 novels during Nanowrimo.
- He successfully uses the techniques that we’ll be teaching.
- Ezra has written 2 thrillers and is working on the third in his series this year.
Why We Really Want You in this Course
Ezra and I want to support authors who want support, know they learn best in small, hands-on learning environments, and who want to have a career as novelists. If that’s you, we really want you in our course.

Beth and Ezra Barany teaching a webinar with Kitty, our black cat. Kitty wants you in our course, too.
Can I upgrade from one level to the next once the course has started?
Yes! Once the course has started, you can upgrade to the next level. We will be sending you information on how to do that.
What is your refund policy?
Due to the nature of committing to your writing, there is no refund for the course.
Can I access the live webinars and calls after they occur?
You have 30 days to download all the course material you have access to. (Until December 30.)
If you still have questions for us, just contact us via email, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.