Writer Discovery Mini-Course

For Your Writer Discovery Mini-Course, Start Here!

For beginning and experienced creative writers…

Tell us where to send the mini-course (for free):

This mini-course is designed to bring you clarity and inspiration to your writer’s life.

It’s a deceptively simple course, but writers have told me that answering these 5 questions has been extremely helpful, enlightening, and even fun.


How does this course work?

You’ll get 5 short emails for this course, over the course of 5 days, plus a weekly email sharing with you about our offerings. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Can I share my answers with you? And if I do, will you answer?

As I mentioned above, yes, just hit reply, write your answers and any questions, and I’ll reply, though it may take me a few days. For life balance, rest, and variety, I take my weekends off.

Who am I?

Hi! I’m Beth Barany, an award-winning novelist, master neurolinguistic programming practitioner, and certified creativity coach for writers.

Through my courses, programs, workshops and consultations, I specialize in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers.

All my courses are packed with useful hands-on information that you can implement right away. I run an online school for fiction writers, Barany School of Fiction, and a 12-month group coaching program to help dedicated novelists revise and get published.

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