Special Webinar Replay *Essential Plot & Character Tips*
Replay Video
Welcome! Click on the image to watch the video!
In this 90-minute special webinar, we covered:
- Why preparing your novel saves you time and can help you have direction, power, and purpose
- Essential plot and character development tips
- The key questions to ask your characters to make your story hum
- The overview of the “Plan Your Novel” October 2016 course
- Who are your instructors and why we’re qualified to help you
- Why we created this course
- Q&A: Time to get your questions answered
Handouts and Recordings
1. Video: Click to play on the video above. If it doesn’t play, click on this link to view directly on YouTube:
2. PDF Slides: Click to download the PDF slides here. Click on the link to open a new page. Right-click to download.
2. Bonuses: Grab your bonuses here. (Opens to a new page)
- A PDF on 10 Questions for Your Characters
- An audio on 8 aspects of character development
3. Audio-Only: Click to play or download the audio version of our 90-minute webinar.
4. Chat Log: Click on the title to open a new page. Right-click to download.
2016_08_23_Webinar-Plan Your Novel with Beth and Ezra Barany
BONUS for signing up for the webinar
Come continue the conversation at the Fellowship of the Pen Facebook group:
Ready to sign up for the October 2016 Plan Your Novel course?
Go here: http://30daywritingchallengefornovelists.bethbarany.com/
Early Bird Bonus
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Ready to sign up?
Go here.
If you have questions for us, just contact us via email, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.
I’ll leave you with this:
- What will your life be like if you plan and write your novel by the end of the year?
- How will you feel once you’ve written your first draft?
- What will your life be like if you don’t plan and write your novel by the end of the year?
- How will you feel if you don’t write that novel?
If now is the time to plan and write your novel, then go for it.
Our Plan Your Novel course is here to support you to do that!
Lastly, if this class isn’t right for you, I’m curious to know why. Really, I am. My business works because I offer what you want. So what are you needing right now? Email me (Beth) and let me know. Thanks!